Don't Damn Springbank Poll - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Don't Damn Springbank Poll

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For Immediate Release is a grassroots group that represents landowners, residents and other concerned Albertans who oppose a flood mitigation project at Springbank and who believe a dam at McLean Creek is vastly better public policy.

For two years, and especially since the NDP government broke their promise not to proceed with Springbank, the group has been asking questions and demanding information on the Springbank proposal from government. Few answers have been forthcoming. What we do know is that the size, scope and cost of the project have ballooned, from 1700 acres, to a massive 6800 acres. Costs will have to go up accordingly – multiples of the original costs suggested by a cost/benefit study conducted by the former PC government. So, while Springbank was touted as the fast, cheap and easy solution for flood mitigation, we now know that it is none of these.

But wanted to find out what Calgarians thought. Mainstreet Research was hired to conduct a scientific poll of Calgarians querying their preferred option of three; a Springbank dam, a dam at McLean Creek, or a tunnel from the Glenmore reservoir to the Bow River. The results are attached.

Spokesperson Lee Drewry prefaced his remarks on the poll results with, “First, our hearts and prayers go out to our fellow Albertans affected by the terrible fire situation in Fort McMurray. We stand firmly with you during this difficult time,” said Drewry.

Speaking to the poll Drewry said, “What is clear is that Calgarians now know what we know – that Springbank would be hugely expensive, and will sacrifice one community to try to save another. This has been a white elephant from the beginning. Calgarians don’t want it and neither do we. It’s time for this government to do what it promised to do; stop work on a dam that will cost vast amounts of money and not protect upstream communities, and get started on the cheaper and better solution on Crown land, namely, McLean Creek,” said Lee Drewry today. “These results echo what we have heard in conversations with our friends, neighbours and colleagues in Calgary, and at government open houses. The government has backed a losing horse. Springbank is overwhelmingly unpopular. Cancel it and move on to the better project,” concluded Drewry.


Mainstreet – DontDamnSpringbank by Mainstreet