Edmonton: 44% in Favour of Safe Injection Site - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Edmonton: 44% in Favour of Safe Injection Site

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April 3rd, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll finds Edmontonians are willing to support a safe injection site in the city. The Mainstreet/Postmedia Poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.08%, 19 times out of 20.

“44% of Edmontonians would support a safe injection site in the city” said David Valentin, Executive Vice-President of Mainstreet Research. “That compares with 30% who are opposed, and another 26% who don’t have a clear opinion. Edmonton would be the first city in Alberta to have a safe injection site if a proposal moves forward. While there is public support for the issue, with 26% undecided there is room for public opinion to move, especially once specific sites are proposed.”

The Mainstreet/Postmedia Edmonton poll looked at a variety of key issues that affect the city.

“The City is split when it comes to what to do with the savings from the Valley Line LRT”, continued Valentin. “45% favour prioritizing homeowners and 41% would like to see the money re-invested in transit. The 4 point gap is just slightly outside the margin of error for the poll, either way, the city is split on the issue.”

“When we asked about future transit planning most Edmontonians favour maintaining the current system. A further 25% would like to see transit service increased while 19% would like to see it decreased. Younger Edmontonians are more likely to favour an increase to service while older Edmontonians are more likely to favour a decrease,” he finished.

About Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet is a national public research firm. With 20 years of political experience at all three levels of government, President and CEO Quito Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian public affairs.

Differentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet Research has provided accurate snapshots of public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP government in Alberta, a majority Liberal government in British Columbia and a majority Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has been the most accurate polling firm in several by elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral election. Most recently, Mainstreet was the only polling firm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election.


Mainstreet – Edmonton April A