Governing Liberals Hold Slight Lead Over PCs - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Governing Liberals Hold Slight Lead Over PCs

Nova Scotia Flag

25 January 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – The Liberals led by Premier Stephen McNeill have a two point lead over the Progressive Conservatives.

The poll was part of Mainstreet Research’s UltraPoll and surveyed 649 residents of Nova Scotia aged 18 and over between January 3rd and 4th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.85% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

The poll was conducted before Jamie Baillie was removed as Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative leader over allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

“The McNeill Liberals are near the middle of their mandate but it would be a close race if an election were held today,” said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research.

“That said, Baillie’s resignation is a game-changer ought to have an impact on PC support.”

The poll has the Liberals at 40.6%, the Progressive Conservatives at 38.5%, the NDP with 15.7%, and the Greens with 5.2% support.

Interestingly enough, the PCs enjoy higher support among younger voters while the Liberals lead among older ones. The Liberals lead in Halifax, while the PCs lead in the other regions in Nova Scotia.

“The election is two years away and now the Conservatives will be looking for a new leader. These numbers have every likelihood to change as we get close to the election.”


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