Greens Lead In PEI, Governing Liberals In Third - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Greens Lead In PEI, Governing Liberals In Third

Prince Edward Island Flag

24 January 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – The Green Party of Prince Edward Island have a significant lead over the governing Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives, a new Mainstreet Research poll finds.

The poll was part of Mainstreet Research’s UltraPoll and surveyed 647 residents of Prince Edward Island aged 18 and over between January 3rd and 4th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.84% and is accurate 19 times out of 20. The Greens led by Peter Bevan-Baker enjoy the support of just over 36% of PEI voters and lead both the James Aylward-led PCs (30%) and the governing Liberals led by Premier Wade MacLauchlan (29%). The NDP led by Mike Redmond are a distant 4th with just 5% support.

“This snapshot is sure to be the most explosive and controversial among all the provincial races,” said Quito Maggi. “This is the first time our polling has the Green Party leading in any jurisdiction.”

The Progressive Conservatives lead among men, while the Greens have over 41% support among women. The Greens lead all parties in every age group, and have nearly 50% support in Charlottetown. In the rest of PEI, the PCs have a slight 1.7% lead over the Greens, with the Conservatives in a close third, with 30.5%.

“The significance of this may not be clear until the next election, but the possibility of a Green Party forming government in any Canadian province has never been as possible as it is right now in PEI,” added Maggi.“Unfortunately for Mr. Bevan-Baker, the election in PEI is not for another 18 months and many factors can change these numbers over that time frame. Nonetheless, this could be a signal of a significant shift in the political climate in PEI.”


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