Iveson Cruising to Win - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Iveson Cruising to Win

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October 13, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia produced for the Edmonton Journal & Edmonton Sun finds Don Iveson will be easily re-elected. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.62 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“Don Iveson will be easily re-elected Mayor of Edmonton on October 16th. His popularity has been consistently strong with increasing approvals that Mainstreet has tracked since his election in 2013,” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. “While Don Iveson faces little opposition, Naheed Nenshi is fighting for his life down in Calgary.”

“Of all the contenders on the ballot it looks like Don Koziak might do best though given the margin of error and the low levels of support for non-Iveson candidates it’s not easy to predict who will come in second.”

“While Edmontonians are in agreement on the mayoral race they are split down the middle when it comes to photo radar. 40% approve of a plan to a plan to cancel photo radar while 38% disapprove. Women are less likely than men to want to pull the plug on photo radar.”

“We also asked Edmontonians about bike lanes and found strong opposition with over half (55%) opposed. It’s worth remembering that the cost of bike lanes is generally low, particularly when compared to the infrastructure costs associated with cars. Despite their low cost, bike lanes have become a hot button issue in major cities,” finished Maggi.


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