Liberals Back in Front, Québec Solidaire Continues Upward Trend - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Liberals Back in Front, Québec Solidaire Continues Upward Trend

June 21, 2017 (Montréal, QC) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll produced for the Montréal Gazette finds a new high for Québec Solidaire – and a new low for the Parti Québecois for the year. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.53 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“The Liberals are back out in front this month, up 2 percentage points among decided and leaning voters” said David Valentin, Executive Vice-President of Mainstreet Research. “The CAQ, which lead last month’s numbers has dipped back down, remaining in a solid second place. It’s the battle for third place which might be the most interesting race in province. The Parti Québecois is at 22% and Québec Solidaire is at 18%. A two-point swing from the PQ to QS would find the parties tied (at 20%).”

“Québec Solidaire has been trending upwards and this latest surge in support could be a bump from the election of Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois in the Gouin by election. There is a lot of encouraging news for Québec Solidaire in these survey results – all to the detriment of the Parti Québecois. Québec Solidaire is tied with the PQ in the Montréal Census Metropolitan Area (Montréal CMA) and leads within the margin of error in Québec City. Only in the Rest of Québec does the PQ put a considerable amount of distance between itself and Québec Solidaire (28% PQ, 16% QS).”

“Regionally, the CAQ continues to lead in Québec City while the Liberals have bounced back to lead in Montréal. Outside of the two urban cities it is a 3-way tie, with the Liberals, PQ and CAQ all at an identical 28%. Among francophones the numbers are similarly tight with the Liberals at 27%, the PQ at 25% and the CAQ at 27%.”

“With support fluid for the parties, it’s important to step back and look at the trend lines: the CAQ and Liberals seem to be trading voters and the downward trend for the PQ to the benefit of QS cannot be ignored. QS has decided against co-operation which places Jean-François Lisée in a vice: how does he win back support from voters backing Québec Solidaire? It is a question to which there may be no answer.”

Among Decided & Leaning Voters: QLP 33% (+2), CAQ 27 (-5), PQ 22 (-2), QS 18 (+4)


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