Manitoba PCs Have The Lead, But Kinew Is The Most Popular Leader - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Manitoba PCs Have The Lead, But Kinew Is The Most Popular Leader

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22 August 2019 (Ottawa, ON) – As the Manitoba provincial election heads into its final act, the governing Progressive Conservatives have a significant lead over the opposition NDP.

Those are the findings from Mainstreet Research’s latest Manitoba poll. The poll surveyed 810 Manitobans between August 17th to 19th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.44% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“The level of support for both the NDP and the Conservatives is roughly the same as it was since the last time we polled in March, although the NDP is doing somewhat better,” said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research. “That said, Brian Pallister has the advantage at this stage in the election and would likely win if the vote were held today.”

Among decided and leaning voters, the PCs have 42.5% (-2.3% from March), while the NDP led by Wab Kinew come in with 34.7% support (+2.6%). The Liberals with Dougald Lamont at the helm currently enjoy 11.9% (-1.2%), and the Greens with James Beddome as leader have 9.6% (+2.9%).

The poll also asked Manitobans about their impressions of the party leaders. Once again, no party leader enjoys a positive favourability rating. However, Kinew’s net favourability rating is best among all party leaders at -6%.

Pallister’s net favourability rating is -15.4%.


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