McNeil Liberals Lead PCs - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


McNeil Liberals Lead PCs

Nova Scotia Flag

Our latest UltraPoll release turns its focus to Nova Scotia, where the governing Liberals led by Stephen McNeil enjoy a five-and-a-half point lead over the PCs.

The poll surveyed 680 Nova Scotians between April 16th and 18th and has a margin of error of +/- 3.85% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

Among decided and leaning voters, the Liberals lead with 40.2% (-0.4% since January), while the Progressive Conservatives led by new leader Karla MacFarlane have 34.7% support (-3.8%). The NDP led by Gary Burrill are at 17.3% (+1.6%), while the Greens under the helm of Thomas Trappenburg are at 5.6%.

This is the first polling released since MacFarlane has become leader of the Nova Scotia PCs.

The Liberals enjoy a much larger lead among men compared to women. While the Liberals lead by 9.6% over the Conservatives among men, they are in a virtual tie among women. The Liberals have a substantial lead over the PCs among the 18-34s, while the PCs have four point lead among respondents aged 35 to 49. Both parties are tied among the 50-64 cohort with 40.4%, while the Liberals lead by more than nine points among Nova Scotians aged 65 or over.

When looking at geographic divisions, the Liberals lead in Halifax while the PCs lead in Cape Breton, with the Liberals leading in the rest of the province.


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