Kelley Moore Leads, Don Atchison Dips, Charlie Clark Stalled - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Kelley Moore Leads, Don Atchison Dips, Charlie Clark Stalled

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October 6, 2016 (Montréal, QC) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll finds Kelley Moore leading the race to be Saskatoon’s next mayor with Don Atchison in second and Charlie Clark in third. The Mainstreet/Postmedia Poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.38%, 19 times out of 20.

“Moore has gained 5% and now leads the mayoral race, statistically tied with Don Atchison” said David Valentin, Executive Vice-President of Mainstreet Research. “Atchison has dropped 1 point to 25%, with the poll’s margin of error of +/- 3.38% he and Moore are locked in a tight battle. Meanwhile Charlie Clark appears to be stalled at 23%, the same level of support he registered last week and running a close third. Devon Hein brings ups the rear with 4%, a 3% increase from last week.”

“As the election campaign grows nearer the number of undecided voters has dropped to 21%, the lowest we have measured for the civic election so far. However, support for all three candidates is relatively soft which means there is room for plenty of movement.”

“Though these are positive numbers for Moore the true test is if she can continue to grow them and build a real margin – and withstand what are sure to be new attacks and scrutiny from the three other mayoral candidates. We’ve seen Atchison’s numbers be relatively steady and then trend downwards, something he’ll need to reverse if he plans to return to the mayor’s chair. Even with three candidates splitting the anti-incumbent vote, Atchison is now in second. For Clark, he will need to find new ways to draw differences between himself and Kelley Moore.”

“This poll, taken after the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce Debate and CBC morning roundtable, appears to be capturing new campaign dynamics. There are still plenty more debates to go, including a major debate being held by the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, candidates will have more opportunities to draw contrasts and present their ideas and solutions.”

“It is still far too early to predict a winner but one thing for certain is that this looks to be a competitive race between the top three candidates,” finished Valentin.

About Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet is a national public research firm. With 20 years of political experience at all three levels of government, President and CEO Quito Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian public affairs.

Differentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet Research has provided accurate snapshots of public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP government in Alberta, a majority Liberal government in British Columbia and a majority Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has been the most accurate polling firm in several by elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral election. Most recently, Mainstreet was the only polling firm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election.


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