NB Liberals And PCs In A Virtual Tie - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


NB Liberals And PCs In A Virtual Tie

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27 July 2018 (Ottawa ON) – The governing Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives are in a statistical dead heat with the provincial election just under two months away.
Those are the findings from Mainstreet Research’s latest UltraPoll, a conglomeration of ten provincial polls. The poll surveyed 809 New Brunswick residents between July 15th to 17th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.44 % and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“New Brunswick will be the province to watch in 2018, as their election might be the closest one this year”, said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research. “While Blaine Higgs has a slight edge over Brian Gallant and the Liberals, we have to say that the race is too close to call at this point.”

Among decided and leaning voters, the PCs enjoy 39.4% support while the Liberals come in with 38.1%. The Greens led by David Coon enjoy 8.9% support while the NDP with Jennifer McKenzie at the helm have 6.6%. All other parties have 6.9%.

Every region in New Brunswick appears to be equally competitive. The Liberals and PCs are within half a percentage point of each other in Fredericton. The Liberals have a three point lead in Moncton, while the PCs have a two point over the Liberals in the rest of New Brunswick.

The PCs enjoy a three point lead over the Liberals among women, while both the Liberals and the PCs are tied among women. The only large difference between the two parties is among the age cohorts. The Liberals have nearly a sixteen point lead over the PCs among voters under the age of 35.

Conversely, the PCs lead by nearly three points among respondents aged 35-49, by almost seven points among voters aged 50 to 64, and by just under 22 points among voters aged 65 and older.

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