NDP Set for Victory in Saskatoon Meewasin - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


NDP Set for Victory in Saskatoon Meewasin

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February 8, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll conducted for the Saskatoon Star Phoenix finds the NDP’s Ryan Meili set for victory in the upcoming Saskatoon-Meewasin by election. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 4.14%, 19 times out of 20.

“These are high numbers for the NDP,” said David Valentin, Executive Vice-President of Mainstreet Research. “Meili is scoring higher here than in any of the previous match-ups we ran with a 23 point margin separating him from Brent Penner of the Saskatchewan Party.”

”It’s early in the by election campaign so far, but Meili is definitely the favourite.”

“Underpinning NDP strength is a total collapse of support for the Saskatchewan Party with voters under the age of 50. These voters are registering high undecided rates – so we may see the Saskatchewan Party gain strength in the days to come as their support stabilizes with these voters to more traditional levels. We don’t have enough information yet to know if this is truly a sustained plunge of support with voters under 50 or just part of the randomness that makes up polling.”

“Regardless, Ryan Meili’s favourability rating, 46%, in the riding will make him tough to beat. Only 36% of the riding is either not familiar with Meili or has no opinion, that’s low compared to the 58% who say the same of Brent Penner. Penner and the Saskatchewan Party will have an opportunity to tell his story – but his unfavourability rating, 16%, is essentially tied Meili’s unfavourability rating of 18% – despite the fact Brad Wall has attempted to tie Mieli to the Liberals’ ‘Carbon Tax’.”

“These are very positive numbers for the NDP right now but the race is not over yet and we will be making sure to check back in before Election Day,” finished Valentin.


Mainstreet – Saskatoon Meewasin Feb 8 2017 by Mainstreet on Scribd