Nenshi Approval Continues To Drop - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Nenshi Approval Continues To Drop

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April 27, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll finds Naheed Nenshi’s approval rating down 4 percentage points with his disapproval rising by 5 percentage points. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.44 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“The Mayor’s approval rating continues to drop” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. “He started at 65% approval this year in January and is now down to 52% approval. That’s a drop of 13% over 4 months. It remains to be seen if this is the floor, or if his numbers could go down even further in the future. Of course, it’s also possible we could see his numbers rebound in the months to come as well.”

“With a largely unknown field of candidates running against Nenshi, I don’t think he is in trouble just yet. 52% is over half of the city. We’ve seen Mayors in other municipalities have negative approval ratings, as long as Nenshi is able to hold onto a net approval rating he should be fine with his re-election campaign. Detractors of the mayor, after all, will have several candidates to spread their votes on.”

“That being said, we don’t yet know what effect the election campaign will have on the Mayor’s approvals and favourability scores. It’s possible his opponents may run negative campaigns, and that even if he ultimately wins, he does so amidst lower ratings.”

“Taking on incumbents and winning is not impossible but it is difficult. Campaigns need money, strategy and volunteers – a little luck doesn’t hurt either. No one should underestimate the mayor who has proven that he is an effective campaigner and savvy with social media. The mayoral campaign is not in full swing just yet, but we will be watching closely to see what happens next,” finished Maggi.


Mainstreet – Calgary April 2017 by Mainstreet on Scribd