New Brunswickers Want Party Cooperation; PCs and Liberals Tied - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


New Brunswickers Want Party Cooperation; PCs and Liberals Tied

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16 November 2018 (Ottawa ON) – A majority of New Brunswickers want the parties to work together in the Legislature with the Liberals and PCs are tied in voter intent.

Those are the findings from Mainstreet Research’s latest UltraPoll, a conglomeration of ten provincial polls. The poll surveyed 572 New Brunswick residents between October 30th to November 2nd. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4.1 % and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“This poll was taken before Blaine Higgs became Premier, but it looks his actions lines up with public opinion”, said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research. “New Brunswickers are clearly indicating that they want all parties to work together in the New Brunswick legislature and think that it is time for a change.”

Just under 61% of respondents said that it is a time for a change in New Brunswick, with only Liberal voters saying that they think that New Brunswick should stay the course.

Just over 78% of New Brunswickers believe that the parties in New Brunswick should find a way to work together and not have an election soon, with just over 59% agreeing.

The poll also found that the PCs and the Liberals are exactly tied among decided and leaning voters with 33.7% support. The Greens led by David Coon enjoy 15.7% support while the People’s Alliance with Kris Austin has 12.7%. The NDP with Jennifer McKenzie at the helm have 3%.

The PCs enjoy nearly a six point lead over the Liberals among men, while the Liberals lead the PCs by six among women. The Liberals lead among voters under the age of 35 and the 65+ age cohort, the PCs lead among voters between the ages of 35 to 64.


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