Ontarians' Views On Doug Ford's Handling of the Pandemic - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Ontarians' Views On Doug Ford's Handling of the Pandemic

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Over the course of six months we asked Ontarians what they thought of Doug Ford’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and how restrictive his measures were.

While initially over half of Ontarians thought that Ford had struck the right balance in protecting public health and in assisting Ontario businesses and workers, just over 30% think that he has struck the right balance in May.

Ontarians thinking that placed the demands of “business” ahead of the health and safety of Ontario residents and that he needs to do a better job at following the advice of Ontario doctors and public health officials has increased from 29.3% in January to 42.9% in May.

Also, Ontarians who think that Ford has been too severe in imposing “lockdowns” and his actions represent an excessive limitation of personal liberty of Ontario residents and has needlessly damaged the Ontario economy has also increased since January. 17.5% of Ontarians agreed in December 2020, 21% agreed in January, while 26.7% agreed last month.