Pallister PCs Hold Three-Point Lead Over NDP - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Pallister PCs Hold Three-Point Lead Over NDP

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25 January 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – The Manitoba Progressive Conservatives led by Premier Brian Pallister have a narrow lead over the opposition NDP, a new Mainstreet Research poll finds.

The poll was part of Mainstreet Research’s UltraPoll and surveyed 956 residents of Manitoba aged 18 and over between January 5th and 6th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.47% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“The Pallister lead in this poll is within the margin of error,” said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research. “It is interesting to see that the difference between the PCs and NDP is this close as Premier Pallister nears the midway point of his mandate.”

The Mainstreet poll finds that Pallister and the PCs have 39.6% support, while the NDP under recently elected leader Wab Kinew has 36.7% support. The Manitoba Liberals under Dougald Lamont have 13.3%, while the Greens are at 10.4%.

The Progressive Conservatives lead by fifteen points among men, while the NDP have a nine point lead among women. The PCs lead comfortably among all groups except the 18-34 age group, where the NDP lead by nine points.

Moreover, the NDP lead the PCs by just under 12 points in Winnipeg, while the PCs have a commanding 26.7% lead over the NDP in the rest of Manitoba.

“Manitoba is deeply divided right now along several different fault lines – gender, age, and region”, added Maggi. “The election is still two years and there is plenty of opportunity and time for these numbers to change.”


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