Police Approval Increases as Nenshi Continues Slide - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Police Approval Increases as Nenshi Continues Slide

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March 27, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll finds a Naheed Nenshi’s approval rating dropping – though he would be easily re-elected if an election were held today. The poll also found an increase of 6 percentage points in the approval rating of the Calgary Police – though the disapproval rate is now more intensely negative. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“Mayor Nenshi’s approval rating is at 56%, the lowest rating we’ve ever registered for him though only slightly” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. “57% approved of the mayor in June of 2015 and 57% approved of the mayor in November of 2016. So, while this is his lowest rating, it is not by much, just a single percentage point.”

“The mayor faces a largely unknown field of candidates aside from Councillor Andre Chabot, and would be easily re-elected if an election were held today. A large number of Calgarians, 30%, are undecided and a further 17% say they would prefer to vote for ‘someone else’. That ‘someone else’ vote should be expected to mostly go to anti-incumbent candidates as the election progresses.”

“When you exclude someone else and undecided, Nenshi would come in with 58% of the vote. When you include ‘someone else’ in the calculation he would come in with 44%. Either way, unless one of his challengers catches fire, right now he would be re-elected. Playing devil’s advocate, I would point out that Nenshi is a known quantity, and that his approval rating is 56%, the fact only 31% would indicate they would cast a vote for him today should be concerning.”

“Six months after our poll of the Calgary Police Service we have checked in on their approval rating. 45% say they approve of the Calgary Police – an increase of 6 percentage points. At the same time that their approval has gone up, their disapproval has become more intensely negative. In September of 2016 only 11% of Calgarians said they strongly disapproved of the Calgary police, that number is now 21%,” finished Maggi.


Mainstreet – Calgary March 2017 – Nenshi&Police by Mainstreet on Scribd