Race Tightens in Nova Scotia - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Race Tightens in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Flag

May 25, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/iPolitics poll finds the Nova Scotia Liberals’ lead has shrunk with the PCs now in a strong second place The Mainstreet/iPolitics poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.81 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“The race has tightened” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. “The Liberals continue to lead in the Greater Halifax Area with the PCs and NDP effectively splitting the vote, outside of Cape Breton and Halifax the PCs now hold a lead.”

Among Decided & Leaning Voters: Liberals 37% (-3), PCs 34% (+4), NDP 25% (+1), Greens 4% (-1)

“With the end of the race in sight, voter turnout becomes more important than ever. It’s clear that the leaders debate and campaign has had an impact, but as voters get closer to the ballot box it’s not uncommon for them to have second thoughts. If the Liberals can hold on and claw back some support they could return to form the government, but if the PCs are able to continue their surge and grow it into the Greater Halifax Area they’ll be the successful ones on Election Day.”

“The campaign dynamics still favour the Liberals, it’s possible their incumbents will be able to outperform regional scores to secure re-election. This is definite softening, for now it’s tough to know how this election will turn out but a minority government is a real possibility at this point,” finished Maggi.


Mainstreet – NS May 23 by Mainstreet on Scribd