Sask Party Leads By Twenty-Five Points - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Sask Party Leads By Twenty-Five Points

Saskatchewan Flag

15 NOVEMBER 2018 (OTTAWA, ON) – The governing Saskatchewan Party have nearly a twenty-five point lead over the opposition NDP powered by overwhelming support in rural Saskatchewan.

Those are the findings from Mainstreet Research’s latest UltraPoll, a conglomeration of ten provincial polls. The poll surveyed 779 Saskatchewan residents between October 30th to November 1st. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.48% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“The Sask Party remains in a strong position”, said Joseph Angolano, Vice President of Mainstreet Research. “For the first time this year, the Sask Party take a lead in all regions in Saskatchewan.”

Among decided and leaning voters, the Sask Party have 55.1% support, while the NDP with Ryan Meili as leader have 30.3%. The Liberals with Naveed Anwar at the helm have 6.8% while the Greens led by Shawn Setyo come in with 4.2%.

The survey also asked Saskatchewan residents if they had a favourable view of all four party leaders.

“Premier Moe has a very strong net rating of +20.5%”, continued Angolano. “On the other hand, Ryan Meili has a net favourability rating of -6.1%, which is a slight improvement from the last time we polled Saskatchewan in August.”


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