Saskatchewan Party Lead, Meili And Cheveldayoff Ahead - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Saskatchewan Party Lead, Meili And Cheveldayoff Ahead

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22 January 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – The Saskatchewan Party enjoys over 50% support among Saskatchewan voters, a new Mainstreet Research poll finds.

The poll was part of Mainstreet Research’s UltraPoll and surveyed 764 residents of Saskatchewan aged 18 and over between January 4rd and 6th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.54% and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“The landscape in Saskatchewan has shifted substantially since we last fielded in Saskatchewan,” said Quito Maggi, President and CEO of Mainstreet Research.

“What was once a close race between the Sask Party and the NDP has now returned to a more traditional fifteen point lead for the Wall government.”

While the Sask Party has nearly 51% support, the opposition NDP have 34.4% among decided voters. The Saskatchewan Liberals enjoy nearly 9% support while the Greens have nearly 6%. While the NDP have narrow leads over the Sask Party in Saskatoon and Regina (four points and two points respectively), the Sask Party has a 35.5% lead over the NDP in the rest of Saskatchewan.

But Maggi notes that these numbers may provide some false sense of comfort to the Sask Party while both they and the NDP look for new leaders in the months ahead.

“While Wall has had lots of opportunity to be vocally critical of the federal government, voters know he is in the final stages of his leadership and may be giving him a sentimental pass,” he continued. “That, combined with a relatively new and unknown interim NDP leader in Nicole Sarauer, could be causing this wider gap.”

“A true measure will come when the new Sask Party Leader – and Premier – faces off against the new NDP leader.”Mainstreet Research also polled federal donors who were screened for Saskatchewan Party and Saskatchewan NDP leadership to see who they would support in their respective leadership races.

Among 452 Sask Party members surveyed, Ken Cheveldayoff leads with 46.2% support, with Scott Moe in second with 21.5% support and Alanna Koch with 19.5% support. Among 454 Saskatchewan NDP members surveyed, Ryan Meili has a substantial lead of 25% over Trent Wotherspoon.

“It looks very likely that the matchup will be Ken Cheveldayoff vs Ryan Meili as the snapshots we took point to each very close to the 50% plus 1 threshold needed to secure their respective leaderships,” concluded Maggi.


Mainstreet Research – SK Poll – 21Jan2018 by Mainstreet on Scribd