SK Party Fades As NDP Takes 9 Point Lead - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


SK Party Fades As NDP Takes 9 Point Lead

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May 25, 2017 (Montréal, QC) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll conducted for the Saskatoon Star Phoenix and Regina Leader Post finds the Saskatchewan Party facing a steep drop in voter support with the provincial NDP taking a 9-point lead. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.19%, 19 times out of 20.

“It’s a sea change following an extremely rocky budget rollout” said David Valentin, Executive Vice-President of Mainstreet Research. “The provincial NDP hold a decisive lead in Regina, and a 4-point lead in Saskatoon, they are tied with the Saskatchewan party outside urban centres.”

This marks the first Mainstreet/Postmedia poll to use new census data targets for Saskatchewan.

Decided & Leaning: Saskatchewan Party 40% (-7), NDP 49% (+7), Liberal 6% (-), Green 5% (-)

“With the information we have now it’s possible the NDP could form the next government with these numbers. Of course, there is no election today or tomorrow, and the NDP have yet to elect a permanent leader – we are still quite far away from the next election and these numbers could change.”

“Federally, the Liberal Party is now leading in Regina, with a 12-point lead, that would be a marked change from the previous election results. The Liberals only hold one seat in the province, if they could hold onto these numbers they could potentially win another two seats. NDP support is evenly distributed across the province, they score 25% in Regina, 20% in Saskatoon and 18% in the Rest of Saskatchewan. The problem is that they’re not scoring high enough in any given region to win any seats, with these numbers they would have a real problem re-electing the three incumbents they have in the province. With their support spread so thinly, they could be wiped off the map.”

“Following the contentious provincial budget, approval is still high for Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark with 67% saying they either very or somewhat approve of his performance. Only 14% currently disapprove with 20% not sure.”

“The numbers are less cheery for Regina Mayor Michael Fougere though he is still in positive territory. 48% approve of his performance while 38% disapprove, that’s a net approval score of +10.”


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