Solid Majority Support Olympic Bid - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Solid Majority Support Olympic Bid

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March 21, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll of Calgary finds 61% support a bid for the 2026 Olympic Games. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

“These are solid numbers in support of an Olympic bid” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. “Support is consistent among gender lines and age demographics, though seniors are the least likely to support bidding for the games (at only 55% support).”

“This survey utilized our Chimera IVR technology which means respondents were able to tell us precisely why they support or oppose a bid for the Olympics in their own words through audio capture.”

“64% of those who support bidding for the games pointed to civic pride – showcasing Calgary and Canada on the world stage. 18% mentioned the entertainment value of the games as their primary reason for support while another 11% support a bid because they believe the economic impact of the games will be lucrative for Calgary.”

“Cost is the primary factor for those who oppose bidding on the games – 64% believe the games will cost too much or are a waste of money. Another 23% expressed that they were not generally interested in the Olympics – they don’t watch the games. 5% of respondents indicated that the cost of the bid itself was their primary reason for opposing the games – most of these respondents expressed they don’t believe Calgary will be awarded the games, and therefore, the bid itself is a waste of time and money.”

“Whether Calgary will be successful in bidding for the games remains to be seen, for now, many Calgarians are on board.”


“I think it would such a wonderful opportunity to really show the world what kind of city Calgary has become.” (Civic Pride)

“I want to see the games in person, it would be so exciting to have them held here.” (Entertainment)

“We’ve already held the games once so we have the experience to do it – we could probably make some money while we do it this time too.” (Economic)


”We’ve already had one Olympics here we don’t need a second one.” (Not Interested)

“Who is going to pay for the Olympics?… We cannot afford to hold the Olympics right now we are in a recession…” (Cost of Olympics)

“No, no, no, no, no.” (Not Interested)


Mainstreet – Calgary March 2017 – Olympics by Mainstreet on Scribd