Toronto - April Polling - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


Toronto - April Polling




In our latest round of polling for the Toronto mayoral election, we fielded the largest candidate pool so far. With fifteen candidates on the vote intention question, only four pulled more than 10% of the vote: Ana Bailao, Josh Matlow, Mark Saunders and Olivia Chow (Matlow ahead of all other contenders).

Now that there are many more options for Torontonians to pick from, the number of undecided voters has significantly decreased. Only 10% of those we polled remain undecided.

We also asked Torontonians about who they trust most to handled issues such as crime and safety, traffic conjestion, and standing up for Toronto against the provincial and federal governments.

Mainstreet Intel Subscribers can download the full PDF here.

Everyone else can access the public file here.