With New Leaders, Saskatchewan Party Holds Lead Over NDP - Mainstreet Research
Mainstreet Research


With New Leaders, Saskatchewan Party Holds Lead Over NDP

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27 APRIL 2018 (OTTAWA, ON) – New Premier Scott Moe and the governing Saskatchewan Party maintain a sizeable lead over NDP and their new leader Ryan Meili.

Those are the findings from Mainstreet Research’s latest UltraPoll, a conglomeration of ten provincial polls. The poll surveyed 963 Saskatchewan residents between April 16th and April 18th. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.16 % and is accurate 19 times out of 20.

“Scott Moe is not as popular as his predecessor Brad Wall, but there is significant daylight between the Sask Party and the NDP as both parties have new leaders,” said Joseph Angolano, Vice President of Mainstreet Research.

“That said, the NDP with their new leader Ryan Meili have closed the gap between themselves and the Sask Party, thanks to strong showings among women, voters aged 18-34, and Saskatoon voters,” continued Angolano.

Among decided and leaning voters, the Saskatchewan Party have 49.8% (-1.1% since January), while the NDP are at 38.7% (+4.3%). The Liberals led by Tara Jijian currently enjoy 6.7% support (-2.1%), while the Greens led by Shawn Setyo are at 3.3% (unchanged from January).

“The Sask Party and the NDP are neck-and-neck in Regina, but Moe and the Sask Party are being powered into the lead by having large leads among men, voters older than 35, and those living outside of Saskatchewan’s urban centres,” concluded Angolano.

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