About Mainstreet Research

Data driven and delivering results for you.

Founded in 2010, Mainstreet Research is recognized as one of Canada’s top public opinion and market research firms. Since our founding, we have been providing actionable and data-driven insights to our clients to help them make their most important evidence-based strategic decisions.

Mainstreet has an impressive track record in accurately forecasting election results in Canada and the United States and has become a trusted source for comprehensive market research, analysis and advice. Our insights are found in major media outlets across the country.

Who We Are

When you work with Mainstreet Research, we are your partner. We will work with you to develop a custom plan that respects your values and your time, and delivers the data and insights you need.

Our diverse team has decades of experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative research, ranging from broad national surveys, to focus groups, to membership surveys, and all points in between. At the same time, we keep on the leading edge of the latest techniques to deliver solutions that always keep you ahead of the curve.

Your audience is on Mainstreet. We’ll meet you there.

Mainstreet Research is a proud corporate member of MRIA, WAPOR and AAPOR. As such we ensure that our research exceeds all Canadian and international standards for market research and public opinion research.

Our Track Record

Mainstreet has built up a significant track record in accurately predicting election results since its founding. We were the most accurate pollster both in the 2018 Ontario provincial election and the 2019 Newfoundland and Labrador election, along with being one of the few to correctly predict Democrat Doug Jones’ win in the 2017 Senate special election in Alabama.

We were the first to call a Liberal minority in the 2019 federal election, and the only pollster to call a Liberal majority in the 2015 election.

We’re not bad at the city and riding levels either. We had nearly perfect estimates for all the candidates in the 2018 Brampton mayoral election, and we’ve accurately forecasted hundreds of riding winners in both federal and provincial elections.


Mainstreet is a certified member of the CRIC (Canadian Research Insights Council), Canada’s voice of the research, analytics, and insights profession both domestically and globally while representing the highest standards, ethics and best practices within the industry.

Mainstreet is a member of WAPOR (World Association of Public Opinion Research), an international professional association whose members recognize the centrality of public opinion in shaping and serving society.

Mainstreet is also a member of AAPOR (American Association of Public Opinion Research), the leading professional organization of public opinion and survey research professionals in the U.S., with members from academia, media, government, the non-profit sector and private industry.

AAPOR members embrace the principle that public opinion research is essential to a healthy democracy, providing information crucial to informed policymaking and giving voice to the nation’s beliefs, attitudes and desires. It promotes a better public understanding of this role, as well as the sound and ethical conduct and use of public opinion research.

Quito Maggi, President & CEO

A graduate from Carleton University with a degree in Economics, Quito began his professional career as an analyst in the investment industry. He spent his time measuring market forces, segmenting investor demographic characteristics, and building algorithms of investor behaviour.

During this period of time, Quito became a trusted advisor and manager for municipal, provincial, and federal campaigns. In these roles, Quito implemented the analytical techniques he learned in the investment industry to help his candidates win.

Currently Quito also serves as the President and CEO of Mainstreet Research, a nationally trusted firm which is regularly used by governments at all levels and featured in nationally syndicated news organizations.

Let's Get Started.

Bringing accurate data to political, corporate and not-for-profit organizations to make informed decisions.